Friday, April 6, 2012


In the early 1980's, an artist set up a laser projector on top of the Transamerica Pyramid and projected a light show onto the cloud cover over San Francisco.

I was driving cab that night. I was was prepared, I'd read it it in the papers, but when I saw it, a delta of colored lights sliding smoothly across the night sky, recognizing it for what it was, my mind still perceived a solid object, a spaceship. It didn't care what it was told, that's what it saw.

From Plato's Cave through Descartes' Mauvais GĂ©nie to the film Matrix, it's an old idea, that we can be tricked into accepting illusion as reality. That two-minute demonstration made it real to me.

In 2001 the USAF Institute for National Security - that's the Air Force - published a 64-page paper titled Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, edited by Robert J. Bunker. There are a lot of line items. One, letter K, is Holograms.

The second of three is Hologram, Prophet.

"Hologram, Prophet. The projection of the image of an ancient god over an enemy capitol whose public communications have been seized and used against it in a massive psychological operation [609]."

The light show I saw was by some local artist on a shoestring budget with 1980 off-the-shelf tech available to any civilian. It was enough to fool my senses. We're way beyond that now, and it's said that military technology is always ten years ahead of what the public is told.

So: if a government chooses to deceive its population, however absurd the proposal, we will believe it. Your eyes, ears, and skin will tell you it's true. If CNN reports that a White House Press Release has announced that giant singing jellyfish are landing all over the globe, and supports it with high tech production values
, you'll believe. If they project Jesus wrestling Godzilla a hundred miles high over Fresno, and you walk out onto your deck and see it happening, and the president interrupts regular programming with an official announcement, it will become your life. Whatever you believed to be absurd three minutes ago is nothing. You'll think, "I thought they'd  try to cover it up."

This isn't a conspiracy theory - Serge Monast did pimp the idea in the 1970's and 1980's as NASA's Project Blue Beam - I'm just saying it could be done. We have the ways and means. Let's hope we lack the will.

From INSS Occasional Paper 15:

K. Holograms

Hologram, Death. Hologram used to scare a target individual to death. Example, a drug lord with a weak heart sees the ghost of his dead rival appearing at his bedside and dies of fright [149:4].

Hologram, Prophet. The projection of the image of an ancient god over an enemy capitol whose public communications have been seized and used against it in a massive psychological operation [609].

Hologram, Soldiers-Forces. The projection of soldier-force images which make an opponent think more allied forces exist than actually do, make an opponent believe that allied forces are located in a region where none actually exist, and/or provide false targets for his weapons to fire upon. New concept developed in this document.