Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shotgun List

Here is another "to remember" list, created because I find myself going "Damn, what IS that word (name phrase idea)! It's gone AGAIN!" If there are repetitions from the earlier bunch, don't be surprised. There will be a short quiz at the end of the hour.

Xenoglossy – putative paranormal phenomenon wherein a person can speak a language he could not have acquired by natural means
Clades – all descendants of a single ancestor
Shan (Yin) 1766-1050 bc
Teosinte – sacred grass – maize
Nurdle – re-production plastic pellet
Mohenjo Daro 2600 bc
Immane – huge and monstrous
Incitatus – Caligula’s horse
Asthenic – weak, slender, fragile
Tupper and Reed
SWT – Sallah allahu wa ta’la – glorious and exhalted be he
Sam Barber, Adagio for Strings
SAW – Sallah allahu alayhi wa salaam – Peace be upon him (PBUH)
Huchiun – local Ohlone
Deck fin
Egypt = 2500 years
Spongiform encephalopathy
Anthropic “ – Kuru
Girl’s names – Euphoria, Anesthesia, Salmonella, Trivia, Unique, Chemise, Epiphany, Melanoma, Aphasia, Anathema, Queue, Genitalia, Liaison
Peter Arnett
“Whereas formerly we suffered from lawlessness, today we suffer from laws” – Tacitus
M soy wa – don’t mention it
Chamorros - Guam
Degree = 60 miles
Curtis LeMay - Air Force; advocate of nuking cities
Malvina Reynolds - Little Boxes
Assembly Resolution 181 – UN Partition Plan
Linda Zingarro - Eve's gypsy shrink
Rome = 1200 years
Caral – Supe Valley
Quin Shi Huang – 260-210 BCE
Korsakov’s Syndrome – K’s psychosis –amnesiac/confabulatory syndrome, degenerative brain disorder caused by lack of thiamine (vitamn B1)
Long-term encoding
Anterograde amnesia – affecting memories of a period following a shock or seizure
Retrograde – affecting memories preceding trauma
Episodic semantic
Rules of Engagement: They’re responsible for civilians, hospitals etc.; we’re held to situation as seen, not as is; they fire first, we respond in force; we fire first, priority is collateral damage
Tocoy Ricoc – Inca - he who sees all
Meroitic – 25th Dynasty – Napatan, Kushite, Nubian
Harry Dean Stanton
Larry Lindenau
Khurkri – Ghurka knife
Dithyrambic - wild dionysian frenzy
Vexillology – flags
Apotheosis, epiphany, revelation, insight, flash, theophany
Hypertrichosis – wolf hair face
Amaterasu Omi Kami - sun
Mandan (Metuthankie)
USS Samuel Gompers
Agape, philia, eros, cupiditas, storge, caritas, compassion, fraternitas
Nomological (nomos = law) – basic physical laws or rules of reasoning
Earl H. “Pete” Ellis
Mustelidae – Wolverine family; gulo gulo gulo, gulo gulo luscus (America)
12th Armored Cavalry Regiment - Norman Mailer WWII
Clemmys marmorata – western pond turtle
Michel Foucault
Anthony Hopkins
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
L’audace, toujours l’audace – Georges Jacques Danton
Hobbes – Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short
Do ita shimash’te – c’est rien, machts nichts, de nada, m soy wa
Tribadistic – lesbian
Aveyron Wild Boy – Bonaterre, Jean Marc Itard
Oleander - used on highways to discourage campers
Cochineal – Inca red insect dye
ProcyonLotor – raccoon
Instant – this month; Ultimo – last
Mother Bickerdyke
H34 Choctaw
Earth’s surface: 197 million sq miles
Amauta - wise man, scholar
Confirmation bias
Quaternary alluvium
“The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer” DH Lawrence
Anamnesis – recalling to mind; loss of forgetfulness
Lemuria – Phillip L. Schlater
Masma – open-sided house
Tungus = Evenki
Malin Genie, Mauvais Genie
Angkor Wat – 800-1200 CE
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani
Seng go tiyu – orgasm
2nd Movement of 7th Symphony aired on Disney’s Petshop and Ren and Stimpy simultaneously, 11/24/95
Didactic, pedantic
Seraphim, cherubim, powers, dominions, thrones archangels, angels (classic)
Seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, virtues, archangels, angels (Gregory)
Zeugma – the lights, his cigar, and the cat
Antinomy – contradiction between two apparently valid principles
Hypatia – Library of Alexandia
Tengriism – Mongol sky-god religion
Iguaces (Anaqua) – Cabeza de Vaca’s Indians
Concrescual Approximation – Ralph Pred’s concept
Tourette – Jean-Marc Gaspard, Marquise de Dampierre
Genocide – Raphael Lemkin
Speed of earth around galaxy cluster – 67K mph
Anabasis – Xenophon
Robert Lowth, grammarian inventor of picky rules
Cable ties – zip cuffs
Neuromuscular incapacitation – electro-muscular disruption (EMD) technology

(end of list)

"It's a full life, Charlie"
Jules Fieffer