Friday, January 20, 2012

Fear of Smells

Rough tough denim on my teeth, hairs gleam from zipper glitter, humid fumes sopping the membranes back in my nose, you yank on my big ears, “They’re red,” you growl, head in the ceiling light.

Fish-mouthed, I blow through the sling of your cotton lollipops, that vein popping in my cheek, your nails in my nape. I make a forced landing in your bayou as your butt welts on the chair’s hard edge. Fear of smells, of tastes; of piss, sweat, menses, smegmas, woman stew; slobber sloshes my back teeth.

Down at the pit, chemical soup boils, but up here my tongue goes dry prying at the sealed seam under the tangle; then searing acid tangs the diamond drill-point. White flecks on your sticky coral folds peeling sleepily back like band-aids. Scents of talc, broth, and acrid spices.

Vertical flesh flanges separate as I furrow my tongue up the gullies, gorges, wettening arroyos; soft cheeses mingle in my spit. The taste warms like lake water when you’ve been in a minute.

I hawk-circle your shy rose beeper, breezing across her like a shadow, nipping with tooth tips; you try to stay still. Spasms at the arc of your thighs.

Vigorous beaver-tail laps, good hard bone under the soft stuff, hair sopping all around, my chin oozes sauce. I see sparks in your mind. What’s it like? What’s it like?

You claw my scalp, knees at your ears; I burrow into you like a swimmer, carving out big steam shovel gobs, the shape of my face is molded into your meat; you order me to crawl in, all the way in! My tongue shoots to your furnace, my guy down below whines “Me too!” but uh-uh.

I go south, follow the knobbled seam to the bad part of town, the far side of the moon, oopty-doop; I feel you wince, bad girl, dirty girl. WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING BACK THERE?

North again, I suck you in with a plip and spit you out, suck in fistfuls of cunt; fins, folds, polyps, whorls of animal plasm. Your legs lock around my head, they flex, squeeze, crunch; it hurts. I whip my face back and forth, tongue out stiff; you buck back, slamming from the base of your spine; I try to stay latched on, eyebrows slathered with our mess.

You’re breaking my neck, I’m losing teeth. You just tore off my ear!

There’s no detail left in your crotch, it’s all seething, crawling, cellular lava, it’s giving off light like melted steel, I want it to STINK but,

There’s no smell. There’s no taste. There’s nothing.

Silence. Sky. A parachute opens.


Note: this was published in Yellow Silk in the 80's. I got a free copy for it. A conversation in which a poem (by Charles Simic) is titled "Eating Out the Angel of Death" brought it to mind. Great line, poignant verse.
