Friday, May 4, 2012

Inauguration Night

So Obama steps down off the inaugural platform in a crescendo of applause, full of big ideas about "change," and the next morning and the following four years it's la la la la la nothing.

You see some of that in every Democrat president since JFK. The Republicans are already in line with the corporations, military, and "intelligence community," so it's harder to see any change in style.

I would really like to know what they told Barack on inauguration night. Somewhere back there in the White House he gets briefed. In your fifth grade textbook illustration he'd be The Man in Charge and his staff is loyally reporting to him. But really, though, they sit him down in some lamp-lit room deep in the leather chairs and they tell him how it's going to be. They tell him those secrets that we will never know. What are they? On what level?

You get the feeling the news isn't good for the new Commander in Chief. You get the impression that he walks out of there shaken and deflated.

Is it something as simple and obvious as, "That's right. We killed Kennedy. You know why? Pour encourage les autres, bub. So the next hundred presidents will know where they stand." And you can see where that is in what he did instead of what he said he would do.

Is it something really spooky, like, "The Area 51 nuts don't know the half of it. The Aliens are here and we exist at their pleasure. Every move we make depends on what we think they want. One wrong move and they harvest this planet for its pelt."

Somewhere between - is there a threat out there that requires that the military and corporate interests take command and the people stay the fuck out of the way?

Most likely the threat is the military and corporate interests, and the threat has already been carried out. But I would like to see videotapes and the transcript of Barack Obama's day from walking back inside to sunrise. Wikileaks, Anonymous, can you get on that for me? While you're still alive? If you still are?

So what do you think? Conspiracy theory? There are no "dark secrets?" Nothing an incoming senator-now-president wouldn't already know?  Just a few tactical details?

That would be worse. That would mean nobody is on our side.