Thursday, November 10, 2011

Solitaire En Colère et Peur de Mourir

I hear Air France is more relaxed with you than US lines, which treat you like a POW. Certainly Australians were less judgmental, sanctimonious, and dictatorial than we are, even - or especially? - in liberated Berkeley. 

Cops in New York cheer their indicted brethren and boo the courts at arraignment for fixing traffic tickets for friends and relatives - the union says it's a "professional courtesy" and is a tradition of many generations. It is their right. Other charges are planting evidence and protecting family dealing drugs from their property. As far as I can see, no cop is and maybe ever has been imprisoned for murder over killing a civilian. 

Bank of America had to back off a $5 monthly ATM card fee but are sneaking back around by raising other fees, while huge bonuses and multi-million dollar retirement payoffs are typical from banks that received huge bailouts. Called on it, they laugh in the government's face.

Mississippi is taking a referendum to have a fertilized egg defined as with Personhood at conception to stop abortion.

Our president has backed off environmental protections and rescinded health care protection from his one already compromised stand. Guantanamo is still doing business in military trials and enhanced interrogation. He sold out to the banks upon taking office and has acted as if the corporations have his children hostage.

Which may be true. The anti-Obama movement runneth over with blatent racism - check the comment columns on the web.

The two-party system is a two-step oompah waltz that you'd have to be stupid drunk to take as democracy.

We treat other countries like foster children and our own people like arrestees. Our only excuse is that it's worse elsewhere; but, people, it's better elsewhere too. And it has been better here.