Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh wow Oh wow Oh wow

Said Steven Jobs, and died.

I like those Last Words. They kind of equilibrate "The Horror! The Horror!" And, plant a flag for the long-hair hippie freaks driven from history by orchestrated mockery. Nous vivons, connards. At a small remove, I like the Occupy 99%ers too; no leaders, no lists, and though the Syrians make us look pampered, the 99%s show some grit.

While I'm all sunny side up here, the elections swung our...when I'm feeling summery there's an "us"...way a little; the Mississippi ovum bill lost, a virulent anti-union move got quashed in Ohio…the cracker bully governor of Arizona got booted…

And that’s how the waltz dips and whirls, that’s what keeps us playing the game, “Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! It’s our turn now!” But there is no Us and it’s not a turn.

These are times to remember that we're living in history. To read Ecclesiastes. It is always the Dark Ages. We're always in Uruk, or Chavin de Huantar, and the sparks fly upward. And if sometimes a beam of meta-light comes through the crack in Everything from the Total Other and lights up you and the few around you, if for a moment there's eternity and love without object or ownership, if gravity recedes and vision expands...I don't know what to say...dig it, daddy-o.

originally 11/10/11