Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Insight - perception - revelation - glimpses - illumination - the flash - apotheoses - the breakthrough - theophany - epiphany - anagnorisis - realization - intuition - the vision - getting it - that light bulb over your head...

Sometimes a little satori will come upon you in the nine items line. Once the checkout girl nodded at the big bottle of wine in my basket and said, "Don't drink that all at one time." I heard myself reply, "There is only one time."

Another checkout asked me, "Did you find everything?" Without thought I answered, "Everything is everywhere." Just a little joke, but at the center of the instant there was a flash.

They're what I - still - live for. Those are the payoff. To suddenly see something new. Feeling good feels good and victory's a gas and love is the heart of it all but all of those come to me best as those moments of dawning. The best of them are beyond language and some of them wriggle away before you can nail them and I'm not entirely sure that all of them together have done my life any tangible benefit but those arrows of light are the target of whatever I am.

For instance, I twigged the intent of existence. In all its levels and manifestations. Gazing at a stalk of horsetail (snake grass) on a work break in the Olympic Peninsula the first eye opened on that. Wondering what the force was that extruded this simple green being into all the nothingness...

The point of existence is to do everything it possibly can. To fill all the nothing with every form of something, to proliferate and elaborate, to be all that it can be. 

That was long ago. There was another small eruption a couple days ago developing out of the question, does the universe have infinite RAM? Or are its resources limited? It is an act of pure imagination?

Another thought. It – even this cosmos here, our hometown, must be at least as smart as we are. At least.

Twice I've understood time, once sitting on the roof of a garage. I didn't need to write anything down, it was so obvious. Now I have no idea what I was seeing; so I can't weigh the reality of it - was it bullshit? Or some worn out cliche?

These cerebral easter eggs don't have to be lofty, they can open some small box, but the point is that some recurring question gets answered a little more or...some question that's never been asked. The acid-flash blossoms, whhhoooommm!

I gave up long ago the bayonet charge on nirvana. What Jay Stevens called Storming Heaven. It makes my skin crawl to even consider it. Becoming a monk: Zen, Sufi, barefoot Carthusian, trying to intrude your way into divinity by main force - like taking a difficult shit - not for me, man.

But in topical increments, probing my way through the textures of normal life, that's all right. That's my direct deposit.