Monday, September 19, 2011

Key Words

The mind is a monkey, so it's does play tricks. One of the lesser pranks is with memory; it, with an evil little grin, locks up on some word you've had at hand all your life...for a few years it wouldn't let me remember Max von Sydow and Maxfield Parrish at the same time. So I make lists to consult. Sometimes just pulling the clipboard from by the bed is enough to kick the demon off and free the word.

Now I'm going to use that list for another purpose: to post keywords to hook google searches, and to define my mind to anyone diverted to this site. Here's the current list, populated mostly in this cube farm, where I now hear one other keyboard clicking...that rapidity probably means personal email...a throat is cleared to the southeast - a (here's a case, my monkey makes me have to look up Bernadine's name) Bernadine passes by like a ship in full sail, militant in requiring that I Have a Good Afternoon...I can do that...I accept that this workstation this list is extruded into the world...

Sat sri akal = god is timeless and true
Mitochondrial Eve 200K YA
Y-Chromosomal Adam 60-90K YA
Nitrian monks killed Hypatia
Phatic = small talk to perform social task
Agnosia = loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells
Dunning-Kruger effect = where dumb people do dumb things because they’re too dumb to know they’re dumb
Nzinga = Laari (Brazaville)
Starets = religious teacher or advisor
Pourriel = spam (French)
Gazma, kundara, Tozz fiik, Kuss umak
Chaldean = Iraqi/Turkish Assyrian Christians
Druze = Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan sect, 11th cent, Gnostic/neo-platonist etc.
Alawite = Syrian Shiite
Skitsnack = horseshit
Turritopsis Nutricula – jellyfish lives forever through regeneration
Crypsis = biology; avoiding detection through camouflage, mimicry, mimesis, etc.
Serer – Senegal, Gambia
Borla - crown
Tocapu – inca textile patterns, possibly logographic
Evolutionary Epistemology
Uncu – inca tunic
Mathangi Arulpragasam
Neoteny – kid traits in adults
Evenks – tungus
Mbuti-bambuti – (Bantu)
Armillaria ostoyae – Oregon honey mushroom 2400 years
Taxis – trope
Giorgio Chirico
Adenosine Triphosphate
Manuel Zelaya
Palladium catalyzed cross-couplings
Ayanna Andita
Ghanian, Yoruba
Tony & Johnny
Eyeworms = floaters, myodesopsia, enoptic phenomena, muscae volitantes, mouches volantes
Lorraine Feather
Shikran, afwan (F1)
Ni hau ma? Wo hen hau
Alan Blanchard
Until it seem I must behold immensity made manifold
Raphael Lemkin – coined genocide 1943
Ali Ibn Abi Talib – (cousin) Shia
Abu Bakr (friend) – Sunni
As salaamu alaikum; wa aliakum salaam
Kundara = shoe
Ce ne fait rien
Tririga = Roman 3-horse team
Male gebi, cau ni ma
Hindot ka = fuck, Tagalog
Walang hiya ka = you are without shame
Putan ginamo
Riemann hypothesis, Poincarré conjecture
Discipline, rebuke, reproof, reprimand, castigate, penalize
Gung hay fat choy
CCPOA = California Correctional Officers Association
Jamais plus
Desulforudis Audixviator = lonely sunless bacteria
Parahippocampal gyrus, amygdalae, temporal lobe
Emanations and penumbra
“They know and they do not know that action is suffering”
“Only the fool fixed in his folly, may think he can turn the wheel upon which he turns”
Khamwat = crime of close proximity
Faltaneh = too free girl
Apophatic, catophatic
Osmophobia, autodysmophobia
Pilcro (paragraph sign)
Chilango – from Mexico City
Nakba – Palestinian disaster
Niitsitapi (Original People) Pikani, Siksika, Kainai (Blood), Piegan
Liquichiri (also Kharisiri, Sacamanteca) – steals human fat to make soap
What’s the word, hummingbird; what’s up buttercup; what’s the deal banana peel; what’s the story, morning glory
Her eyes were enormously given to all the world around her – Pynchon
Lane-splitting, filtering, white-lining, stripe-riding
Chathab = liar
Munafiq = hypocrite
Abu Al-Jazari 1136-1206, polymath, brazen head
Jannat or Jannah = heaven
Zulamaat = darkness
Niqab, hijab, burqa, khimar, chador
Synechdoche, metonymy, metaphor
Solecism, malapropism, catachresis
Kodukushi = people who live and die alone
Abdul Karim Qasim
pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate
Numquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necessitate
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
Keep it simple, Stupid (all Occam's Razor)
Paraphilia, hybristophilia
“Short letter” – Cicero, , Augustine Blaise Pascal, Sam Johnson, Twain
Gluconeogenesis – makes sugar from non-carbohydrates
Irhabi, hirabi = terrorist
Necrotizing fasciitis
Lin Yutang

Okay, that's it for this swivel chair. I think I can jerk "crypsis" from the monkey's paw it up on command...There are more lists in my three-room 360 degree attic...I can't claim a garret 'cause the roof ain't pitched.